Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sold Out To God

When it comes to being “sold out” to God there is one king who always comes to mind and inspires me and it is not David. II Kings 22 talks about a boy who is 8 years old when he became king. I can’t imagine the pressure this would put on an 8 year old when all I would be thinking about is Tom and Jerry and my play station. I can imagine the conversations going something like this “So your majesty, any edicts you want to pass today? Yeah everyday after lunch everyone has to play video games (if they had video games back then) for an hour. This is mandatory. Anyone who will not submit goes to the lions.”

In Josiah’s late 20’s he has the people go and rebuild the temple of God and in doing so the high priest Hilkiah found the Torah. When he brought it to Josiah and read it to him he was utterly dismayed. He found out how far out of bounds the nation was with God and knew that wrath was coming. Josiah had a decision to make. He could either continue in his ways knowing that wrath is inevitable or he can change and hope for God to have mercy on him. Josiah opted for the later and made a commitment to follow after God, but he didn’t stop there. Josiah recognized that everyone needed to turn back to God. This was not just for him but for everyone.

Josiah was passionately chasing after God and when someone does that they take the message of judgment to all so all can turn from their ways to God. Josiah gathered all the people together and they all made a commitment to reenter into the covenant with God. The story says that Josiah went throughout the entire kingdom and destroyed the high places of idolatry and slaughtered the priests. This is not someone who is a “ho hum” follower of God. This man is on fire and has a message of deliverance if you will turn and follow God.

So the question is this. Are you sold out to following after Christ? When you find yourself out of bounds with God do you turn to Him or just keep heading down the same path. Do you find yourself seeking to deliver a message of deliverance to all so they can avoid God’s coming judgment? Three key things I see in Josiah are 1. he was devoted to God 2. he was passionately following God. 3. he was delivered because he turned to God. Does your life look anything like Josiah? If it does then I would say you are sold out to following after Christ.


  1. SO i was wondering if you could reduce this to one main point- what would it be? and is that main point the main thrust of what you think we as Christians should be doing? what's the best way to follow Christ? is there a best way?

  2. Thanks Kris. I don't think you can reduce this to one point. We are called to do many things to follow God and honor Him. And as far as the best way to follow Christ you should do the things that He did. Jesus' command was to follow Him and if we can do that then we will be in the best place to bring glory and honor to God.
